How To Use
The SHADERSOURCE Runtime Tooltips plugin has three main functions:
Tooltip Overlay: The Tooltip Overlay UMG is the UI intended to be added to the Player HUD for viewing Tooltips as they are triggered.
Tooltip History: The Tooltip History UMG is the UI intended to be show previous triggered tooltips (usually through other UI).
Modal Popups: The Modal Popup UMG is a popup window to show a message with any number of buttons (usually 1-3) and usually pauses the game.
It also includes a special Data Asset type:
SHADERSOURCE Tooltip Map: A Tooltip Map is a Data Asset that holds tooltip strings to easily manage them so that you don't have to find them in your Blueprints or code.
Tooltip Overlay
Tooltips in C++
Tooltip History
Tooltip History in C++
Modal Popups
Modal Popups in C++
Runtime Tooltips Editor Helpers
Last updated
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