How To Use

Note: This tutorial is for the UE5.0+ version of the asset.

We advise you to open the "Demonstration" map provided and look over how the asset is used first.

Poison Toxic Goo Lake

Simply drag and drop the "BP_PoisonToxicGooLake" blueprint into your scene.

To scale the liquid surface we recommend using the provided "Liquid Mesh Grid Size X/Y" and "Liquid Mesh Scale" parameters within the blueprints details panel, rather than the default scale on the overall blueprint.

The "Liquid Mesh Grid Size X/Y" defines how many water meshes are used for the surface. This will basically define how "tessellated" the surface is for the deformation effects.

You can change the color of the surface from the details panel under "Liquid Color".

Changing the color here will also translate to the post process "Waterline" effect.

Bubbles are enabled by default and the parameters are:

  • Enable Bubbles: Toggle to enable/disable the bubble effects

  • Spawn Amount: The amount of bubbles to spawn on the liquid surface. (Bubble spawn amount will increase automatically with the scale parameter)

  • Lifetime Min/Max: Controls each bubble particle lifetime minimum and maximum time in seconds.

  • Size Min/Max: Controls each bubble particles scale minimum and maximum.

  • Z Offset: Sets the Z axis location offset for the bubble particles. (Used in some cases where the particles need to be offset from the surface)

Poison Toxic Goo Spray

Simply drag and drop the "BP_PoisonToxicGooSpray" blueprint into your scene.

This Blueprint is located in the same location as the "BP_PoisonToxicGooLake" listed here.

The parameters for the Spray blueprint can be changed directly in the details panel under the category "Particles".

These parameters are:

  • Color: Controls the color of the spray particle and the splash particle.

  • Render Sort Order: Used to set the translucency sort order of the splash particle (helpful in some use cases where you need to specify how the particles look)

  • Velocity: Controls the velocity of the spray particle.

  • Lifetime: Controls the lifetime of the spray particle.

The splash particle is spawned using collision within the niagara system.

Poison Toxic Goo Post Process

Simply drag and drop the "BP_PoisonToxicGoo_PostProcess" blueprint into your scene.

This Blueprint is located in the same location as the "BP_PoisonToxicGooLake" listed here.

This blueprint is a simple drag and drop and has no parameters to modify. as it is used to just enable the on screen "waterline" effect for the liquid surfaces.

Only one "BP_PoisonToxicGoo_PostProcess" is needed per scene.

Additional Information

You can edit and modify each material used in this asset here.

Last updated