Layer Tab
This documentation is for update 2.0+, applied to 5.4+.
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This documentation is for update 2.0+, applied to 5.4+.
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A Landscape Layer is actually a Material Function created to work specifically with the Landscape Material Tool.
Load a Landscape Layer's data into the Landscape Material Tool.*
Load the Landscape Layer (Material Function) currently selected in the Content Browser into the Landscape Material Tool.
Browse to the currently-selected Landscape Layer in the Content Browser.
Create a new Landscape Layer using the Landscape Material Tool's default Landscape Layer.
Apply all changes to the current Layer.
Create a copy of the current Layer.
Further Actions Menu (see below).
*When a Layer is selected, the box has two states:
Save to Update!: This Landscape Layer has been created in a past version of the Landscape Material Tool; saving the Landscape Layer through the Landscape Material Tool will automatically update it.
Valid Layer: This Landscape Layer has been created in this version of the Landscape Material Tool and no further action is needed.
There is also a hidden third state, Invalid Layer, which means this Material Function is not a valid Landscape Layer. However, there are checks when setting this value that should not allow anything invalid to ever be placed here so it should never be seen.
Reset To Defaults: Reset the current Layer's parameters to the global layer defaults (does not reset the texture inputs).
Copy Parameters From Layer: Copy the parameters from another Layer to this Layer (does not copy the texture inputs).
EDIT LAYER IN MATERIAL: Shortcut to open a Layer present in the selected Master Material.
If you hover the Layer Reference box, you will see a tooltip with useful information.
Section 1: The name of the Landscape Layer Material Function.
Section 2: Type of asset.
Section 3: A list of ALL Materials that currently reference this Landscape Layer Material Function.
Section 4: If this Landscape Layer is in the Master Material, it will show the Blend Type and Noise Layer applied to the Layer in the Material.
Section 5: If this Landscape Layer is in the Master Material, it will show where the Layer is in the Material's Layer Hierarchy.
Layer Name: The Landscape Layer Name (also displayed on the paint layer selection).
Inputs: Note: Ticking these off will hide some parameters too.
Use Normal: Toggle to use a Normal Map and settings for this Layer (turning off will increase performance).
Use Roughness: Toggle to use a Roughness Map and settings for this Layer (turning off will increase performance).
Use Specular: Toggle to use a Specular Map and settings for this Layer (turning off will increase performance).
Use Ambient Occlusion: Toggle to use a Ambient Occlusion Map and settings for this Layer (turning off will increase performance).
Use Height: Toggle to use a Height Map and settings for this Layer (turning off will increase performance).
Use Global Distance Swap: Enable to have the textures to swap out to a global blend.
Use Custom Global Textures: Whether to use custom global textures or use the detail textures for global swap.
Use Custom Global Parameters: Whether to use custom global parameters or use the detail textures for global swap.
Diffuse: Diffuse Texture Input.
Normal: Normal Map Texture Input.
Height: Height Map Texture Input. Note: Hidden if Height.ChannelPackedTexture is true.
Specular: Specular Map Texture Input. Note: Hidden if Specular.ChannelPackedTexture is true.
Roughness: Roughness Map Texture Input. Note: Hidden if Roughness.ChannelPackedTexture is true.
Ambient Occlusion: Ambient Occlusion Map Texture Input. Note: Hidden if AmbientOcclusion.ChannelPackedTexture is true.
Channel Packed Texture: A Channel Packed Texture Input.
UV Tiling: Texture UV Tiling Multiply.
Use Triplanar Mapping: Enable for Triplanar Mapping / World Aligned Texture.
Triplanar Mapping Texture Size: Texture Scale Size for Triplanar Mapping.
Use Advanced Triplanar Mapping: Enable an Advanced Triplanar Mapping Method.
Advanced Triplanar Mapping: Use Single Sample: Use Single Texture Samples for Triplanar Mapping.
Advanced Triplanar Mapping: Use Dithering: Use Dithering for Triplanar Mapping.
Advanced Triplanar Mapping: Projection Smoothness: Smoothing between Triplanar Mapping Seams.
Advanced Triplanar Mapping: Angle Amount: Lateral Projection Reduction.
Texture Variation
Use Texture Variation: Enable for Texture Variation (used to reduce tiling of textures). Note: Requires no Triplanar Mapping.
Texture Variation: Offset: The random offset amount for the texture UV's.
Texture Variation: Scale: The scale of the variation transitions.
Texture Variation: Levels: The amount of variation transition levels.
Texture Variation: Height Influence: How much the heightmap has influence on the texture transition levels.
Texture Variation: Use Dither: Enabling Dithering for texture variation transitions (helps smooth out transition lines).
Texture Variation: Use Random Rotation and Scale: Used to randomly rotate and scale the texture variation UV's (can cause problems with normal maps).
Multiply With AO: PBR multiply diffuse with AO map.
Brightness: Diffuse color brightness.
Brightness Curve: Diffuse color brightness curve.
Saturation: Diffuse color saturation.
Hue Shift: Diffuse color Hue Shift.
Strength: Normal map strength offset.
Use Channel Packing: Use channel packing for height map.
Channel Packing Mask: Height Channel used for channel packing texture.
Height Brightness Curve: Displacement Height curve, Similar to texture brightness curve.
Height Intensity: Displacement Height intensity, increases the brightness of the texture.
Vertical Height Offset: Displacement Height offset.
Height: Blur Distance: Total Distance of Blur in UV space.
Height: Blur Steps: Number of Steps Along Distance.
Offset: Specular intensity offset.
Use Channel Packing: Use channel packing for specular map.
Channel Packing Mask: Specular Channel used for channel packing texture.
Offset: Roughness intensity offset.
Use Channel Packing: Use channel packing for roughness map.
Channel Packing Mask: Roughness Channel used for channel packing texture.
Ambient Occlusion
Offset: Ambient Occlusion intensity offset.
Use Channel Packing: Use channel packing for Ambient Occlusion map.
Channel Packing Mask: Ambient Occlusion Channel used for channel packing texture.
Distance Blend
Fade Range: The fade range for the global distance swap.
Fade Hardness: The fade hardness/sharpness for the global distance swap.
Mip Fade Range: The Mip fade range for the global distance swap (this is used instead of Distance Fade Range for RVT).
Mip Fade Hardness: The fade hardness/sharpness for the global distance swap (this is used instead of Distance Fade Hardness for RVT).
UV Tiling: Texture UV Tiling Multiply.
Use Triplanar Mapping: Enable for Triplanar Mapping / World Aligned Texture.
Triplanar Mapping Texture Size: Texture Scale Size for Triplanar Mapping.
Use Advanced Triplanar Mapping: Enable an Advanced Triplanar Mapping Method.
Advanced Triplanar Mapping: Use Single Sample: Use Single Texture Samples for Triplanar Mapping.
Advanced Triplanar Mapping: Use Dithering: Use Dithering for Triplanar Mapping.
Advanced Triplanar Mapping: Projection Smoothness: Smoothing between Triplanar Mapping Seams.
Advanced Triplanar Mapping: Angle Amount: Lateral Projection Reduction.
Texture Variation
Use Texture Variation: Enable for Texture Variation (used to reduce tiling of textures). Note: Requires no Triplanar Mapping.
Texture Variation: Offset: The random offset amount for the texture UV's.
Texture Variation: Scale: The scale of the variation transitions.
Texture Variation: Levels: The amount of variation transition levels.
Texture Variation: Height Influence: How much the heightmap has influence on the texture transition levels.
Texture Variation: Use Dither: Enabling Dithering for texture variation transitions (helps smooth out transition lines).
Texture Variation: Use Random Rotation and Scale: Used to randomly rotate and scale the texture variation UV's (can cause problems with normal maps).
Hidden if not Cliff or Overlay Blend.
Falloff Contrast: The falloff contrast for the noise texture applied for overlay blending.
Falloff Intensity: The falloff brightness intensity for the noise texture applied for overlay blending.
Falloff Use Height Map: Toggle to use the supplied heightmap instead of the falloff texture.
Falloff Texture: The falloff noise texture input for overlay blending.
Falloff Texture UV Scale: Falloff Texture UV scale, scaled by dividing the UV coordinates.
Falloff Texture Channel: Falloff texture channel mask.
World Height
Use World Height Blend: Toggle to use World Height blend (useful for materials such as a top down snow overlay).
World Height: Flip Direction: Toggle to flip the direction of which the world height alpha blends.
World Height: Offset: Offset the world position Z for the World height blend.
World Height: Edge Smoothing: Control how soft the edge gradient is for the world height blend.
World Height: Variation Size: Control the size of the variation for the edge of the world height blend.
World Height: Variation Depth: Control the Depth of the variation for the edge of the world height blend.
World Height: Use Normal Influence: Toggle to use Pixel and Vertex Normal to blend out the World Height Gradient.
World Height: Normal Influence: Control the Normal Influence for the edge of the world height blend.
World Height: Normal Influence Tessellation: Control a seperate influence path for tessellation for the Normal Influence (uses Vertex Normals instead of Pixel Normal).
World Height: Use Height Influence: Toggle to use Displacement Height to blend out the World Height Gradient.
World Height: Height Influence: Control the Displacement Height Influence for the edge of the world height blend.
World Height: Flip Height Influence: Toggle to flip the Displacement Height influence.
Blend Intensity: Intensity for the Noise Layer overlay blend.
Blend Contrast: Contrast for the Noise Layer overlay blend.
Blend Texture: Texture Noise for the Noise Layer overlay blend.
Blend Texture UV Scale: Noise Layer overlay blend texture UV scale, scaled by dividing the UV coordinates.
Blend Texture Channel: Texture Channel Mask for the Noise Layer overlay blend.
Hidden if not Cliff Blend.
Cliff Slope Angle: The slope angle used for automatic cliff generation.
Cliff Slope Falloff Intensity: Slope falloff intensity for automatic cliff generation.
Cliff Slope Falloff Contrast: Slope falloff contrast used for automatic cliff generation.