Setting up Runtime Virtual Texture
This page will cover the process of getting RVT (Runtime Virtual Texturing) working in your scene. This is for legacy versions of the Landscape Material Tool before the 2.0 update.
Last updated
This page will cover the process of getting RVT (Runtime Virtual Texturing) working in your scene. This is for legacy versions of the Landscape Material Tool before the 2.0 update.
Last updated
Begin by enabling "Virtual Texture Support" from your project settings.
If you are not going to use standard virtual texturing for your texture samples, it's a good idea to set the "Auto Virtual Texturing Size" to a high number so when you import textures they are not automatically converted to VT.
Next restart the engine, which is required to get virtual texturing enabled.
Once restarted, open up your level and search for "Runtime" in your place actors tab.
Place the "Runtime Virtual Texture Volume" into your scene.
With the newly placed volume selected, go to the details panel and set your virtual texture to RVT_Global.
If you want to create your own RVT texture, in your content browser right click and under the "Materials & Textures" tab select "Runtime Virtual Texture"
Next is to set the RVT volume bounds, with the volume still selected navigate back to the details panel.
There are two options you can use, if you have a standard landscape its best to use the "Bounds Align Actor".
From here just select your landscape and hit the "Set Bounds" button, it should automatically set the volume bounds/scale to the size of your selected landscape.
If you have a non-standard landscape it is probably best to manually scale your volume to fit either where the playable area of your landscape is or engulf the whole landscape with the volume.
The larger the volume is, the less resolution it will have overall. So keep this in mind when scaling the volume.
Next is to set the runtime virtual texture sample on your landscape actor.
Select your landscape in the scene and navigate back to your details panel, from here find the drop down "Virtual Texture" and add a new element to "Draw in Virtual Textures". You will then want to add the same virtual texture sample as before, either the "RVT_Global" or the one you created.
At this point you just need to make sure your landscape has your RVT material set and at least one layer painted.
An additional runtime virtual texture volume is required if you wish to use World Height for things like Virtual Height Field Mesh or RVT blending with static meshes.
Place a new "Runtime Virtual Texture Volume" or duplicate the one you have in the scene already.
With the volume selected, make sure the bounds are setup the same way as stated earlier. Then set the "Virtual Texture" to "RVT_GlobalWorldHeight"
If you want to create your own RVT World Height texture, in your content browser right click and under the "Materials & Textures" tab select "Runtime Virtual Texture"
Next select your Landscape actor and navigate back to the "Virtual Texture" tab, add a new element to "Draw in Virtual Textures" and add the "RVT_GlobalWorldHeight" or your own RVT world height texture.
You should now have the world height RVT sample applied.