How To Use (5.4+)
This documentation is for update 2.0+, applied to 5.4+.
The SHADERSOURCE Landscape Material Tool adds an Editor Mode to UE5 that handles easy creation and modification of Landscape Materials.
The Landscape Material Tool is split into three tabs:
Material: Edit parameters in the selected Material OR convert the selected Material into a Landscape Material Tool-compatible Material.
Instance: Edit the parameters of a Material Instance of a Landscape Material Tool-compatible Material.
Layer: Edit a Landscape Material Tool-compatible Landscape Layer.
Create/load a Landscape Material into the Landscape Material Tool.
Create Landscape Layers through the Landscape Material Tool to apply to the Material.
Add Landscape Layers to the Material and moddify other Material Parameters through the Landscape Material Tool.
Create a Material Instance from the Material and apply to the Landscape or Landscape Streaming Proxy.
Technical Information/Descriptions of Variables, Functions, Actions
Last updated