Generate and manage particle FX and sound FX for the waterfall.


  • Generate VFX: Assign the particle systems to the global VFX components and update the parameters from the waterfall data.


  • SFX Settings

    • Top SFX: The audio asset to be played at the top of the waterfall.

    • Middle SFX: The audio asset to be played at the middle of the waterfall.

    • Bottom SFX: The audio asset to be played at the bottom of the waterfall.

  • Top VFX Settings

    • Top VFX: Should the top VFX be generated?

    • Focus Component: Focus this VFX component in the Level Editor.

  • Middle VFX Settings

    • Middle VFX: Should the middle VFX be generated?

    • Middle Uses Distance: Whether the Middle VFX uses a Z-Distance to calculate where the VFX points on the waterfall are, or whether it uses spline points.

    • Point Range: The spline point range for all paths on the waterfall to use for the Middle VFX points.

    • Distance Range: The world-space z-translation range to add the Middle FX from highest z-point to lowest z-point. Eg, if DistanceRange is 0.3 to 0.8, and the highest point is 100, the lowest 0, then it will find where each path crosses 30 and 80 in world space z and use this as the range to generate the points for the Middle VFX.

    • Remap Points: The number of points to map on each path between DistanceRange (inclusive). This defaults to 2 if the number is < 2. Eg, if RemapPoints is 5, Point[0] will be DistanceRange.Max and Point[4] will be DistanceRange.Min, with the other three points distributed evenly along the spline path.

    • Focus Component: Focus this VFX component in the Level Editor.

  • Bottom VFX Settings

    • Bottom VFX: Should the bottom VFX be generated?

    • Focus Component: Focus this VFX component in the Level Editor.

FX (Individual Points)

This UI is used to easily add extra VFX or SFX components to the waterfall at one of its spline points.

The number at the top shows the spline path that is currently focused. It can be manually set or changed using one of the two arrows.

  • The colour on each button will be red if there are no additonal FX components added to the point.

  • The colour on each button will be yellow if the spline point is currently selected.

  • The colour on each button will be green if there are additonal FX components added to the point.

When a button is clicked, it will show the FX window.

Click Add VFX or Add SFX to add an additional FX component to this point.

When there are additional FX components added, it will show their Details in the window.

Change components by using the two arrow keys.

  • Delete FX will delete the focused FX component.

  • Shift FX Up will shift all of the FX up one spline point.

  • Shift FX Down will shift all of the FX down one spline point.

You can also access this menu by right clicking a spline point in the Level Editor Viewport:

Last updated

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