Waterfall Tool 2 Editor Mode
The SHADERSOURCE: Waterfall Tool 2 Mode is a custom editor mode used to create and modify waterfall data for SHADERSOURCE Waterfall 2 actors in a level.
Accessing the Waterfall Tool 2 Editor Mode
The Waterfall Tool 2 Editor Mode can be accessed either via the Editor Modes dropdown or the SHADERSOURCE menu.
Editor Modes dropdown:
SHADERSOURCE menu (Level Editor Toolbar):
SHADERSOURCE menu (Window menu):
Waterfall Tool 2 Editor Mode Header Content
SHADERSOURCE Modes Menu: Finds and creates buttons to easily switch between SHADERSOURCE Editor Modes.
Documentation button: Opens the tool's documentation page in your default browser.
Store Page button: Opens the tool's UE Marketplace store page in your default browser.
Version number: Show's the tool's current version number so that it can be compared to the latest version.
UI (without a waterfall selected)
A search bar to easily search for waterfalls or settings.
Drag and drop to create a new SHADERSOURCE Waterfall 2 actor.
Auto Focus Waterfall: If ticked on, when selecting a waterfall either here or in the menu in the waterfall selected UI, the editor will automatically focus the newly selected waterfall (like pressing 'F' in the viewport).
A list of all the waterfall actors in the level. Click on one of them to create or edit waterfall data for the actor.
UI (with a waterfall selected)
Creating or Editing a Waterfall
With a waterfall selected, the Waterfall Tool 2 Editor Mode is split into three tabs:
Simple: A simplified version of the tool with less options to generate a waterfall quickly.
Advanced: A more complex version of the tool with many more options to tweak minor parts of a waterfall.
Debug: A handful of functions to show debugging data.
Waterfall Selection
There is also a dropdown menu as a quick way to select other waterfall actors in the open level, or to create a new waterfall actor.
Last updated