Tooltip Map Assets

A Tooltip Map is a Data Asset that holds tooltip strings to easily manage them so that you don't have to find them in your Blueprints or code.

C++ Reference

Cpp Class Name: USH_TooltipMap
Module: Shadersource_Tooltips
Header: /Shadersource_Tooltips/Source/Shadersource_Tooltips/Public/Data/SH_TooltipMap.h
Include: #include "Data/SH_TooltipMap.h"


In this example, there are four tooltips, each with its own unique key. Any of these tooltips can be triggered using its key via Blueprint or C++.

The fourth example (MapExample2) has a key that can be replaced when triggering the tooltip. This means that the tooltip text can be modified based on player input or gameplay choices, such as the example below, where the key '{Name}' is replaced with the player name that the player has just entered through a different UI.

Note: Tooltips can be triggered via plain text/string values rather than using a map. The purpose of the map is to collect similar tooltips together so that the text is easy to find throughout the development cycle of a game. Therefore, if the text changes, the developer does not have to dig through code and Blueprints to find the tooltip value and modify it.

See the SH_TooltipTrigger_Example asset for examples of different ways to trigger tooltips via Blueprints.

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